The Mountain Dog Pack



Rhino is one big teddy bear! He absolutely loves to be pet and if you stop, he will paw at you to let you know you’re not finished. He is a good swimmer and will happily go in after a toy. Rhino is very loyal to me and even when the other dogs run after something, he makes sure to stay by my side!


Tsali is a pup that I kept from Rhino and Buffalo’s August litter. He loves playing with Otter and joins in with her to chase Rhino or play tug of war. His absolute favorite though is the cats! He gets tunnel vision when the cat comes around and his tail wags the biggest you’ve seen.



Banjo is a talker, she will let you know what she wants and often tells me “I love you!”. She loves being a mom and takes great care of her puppies. She loves people, especially babies/toddlers. She will keep an eye on them while being gentle which is good because she is usually the one with a lot of excitement! She is affectionate and is always ready to go with you anywhere. Banjo is observant and will bark to let you know to look too.


Buffalo, although no longer the baby of the pack, still is a puppy at heart. She loves playing with the smaller pups and thinks she is still their size. She is quite the explorer and isn’t much afraid of anything. She is very aware of her surroundings and will let you know if something is out there that she’s not sure about. Her favorite thing is food, she will eat anything her big nose sniffs out for her.


My newest girl Otter is a sweetheart and has a face that is too cute to be real! She watches Rhino and follows him around everywhere. She is more reserved at first but is learning from the others and getting the hang of things quickly. She loves, loves to be pet and will stop whatever she is doing to fully enjoy it… even eating!